2016年4月19日 星期二

My Field Trip to Xi-zhou Tribe(溪洲部落)

On March 26th, I join a field trip to a tribe of urban aborigines. (I should have visited tree tribes, including Xi-zhou, San-ying(三鶯) and Sa'owac(撒烏瓦知). However, I attended a seminar at the afternoon, which made me only visited the first one of them.) The term “urban aborigines” refer to aboriginal people who move and live in urban area for livelihood. I have heard about urban aborigines before I participated the program. While this is the very first time I directly interact with them.

After arriving the tribe, we were guided by a young man to have a small tour of the tribe. We take a look of there buildings and the scenery of Xindian river. After the tour, the guider shared some stories. He told us that the tribe was formed in 1977. At fist, they tried to live in their traditional. They went fishing and hunting to get food, just as they do in their hometown. Nevertheless, the development of industry made the river no longer clean. And as they were accused of illegal occupying land, their villages were treated to be deconstructed.

Actually, there is no such idea of “private land” in the Amis` traditional concept. If we use a long-term perspective to view, it was we not the urban aborigines but we the Chinese, that violated and occupied other`s places. Before leaving the tribe, I noticed the political advertisement of Mayaw Biho which written “Be Our Own Owner”(做自己的主人).Then I thought that so called “postcolonial” is still a future tense which is not likely to be realized.  
We only stayed in Xi-zhou Tribe for a hour. During the hour we stayed in the tribe, I know some interesting information about the urban tribe. For example, the relation between Xi-zhou Tribe and Bi-tan Tribe which located on the other side of the river is not so good.They even threw stones to each other before. And I a was intrigued by there “political system”, which adopt democratic election while keeping ethnic tradition.

There are a lot of knowledge for us to study in the tribe of the urban aborigines. I would like to stay in the tribe for a longer time, and use anthropological method to interact and live with them if I have chance.                  

2016年4月11日 星期一


Nielsen: Symphony No. 3, Op. 27 (Sinfonia espansiva)
Bruch: Concerto for Clarinet and Viola in E Minor, Op. 88
蕭泰然:《1947 序曲》
Hsiao: 1947 Overture


至於蕭泰然的《1947序曲》,則是作曲家在度過生死危機期間而寫成的生命之曲。該曲本是為了二二八紀念音樂會而做,我挺意外校歌歌詞有「回歸祖國樂融融隆隆」、給人保守印象的師大,會在國家音樂廳演奏蕭泰然的曲子,特別是這一首,畢竟《1947序曲》中的〈台灣翠青〉是許多「台獨」人士心中的「台灣國國歌」。音樂的力量真的很強大,當樂團大聲唱出「Ilhas Formosa」(葡語:美麗之島)時,我的頭皮有如被觸電一般,而這塊寶島自「荷人啟之」至今的歷史,在腦中快速地回盪。我當下眼睛泛淚,頗為震撼。最後唱台灣翠青時,我難以開啟的感性似乎被解鎖了,想像台灣獨立建國的美夢時,眼睛又濕了一次。謹附上《台灣翠青》的影片。